♥ Neu: Valentinstag ♡ New: Valentine's Day

 ☙ Qtasis ❧

One oasis, many QTs.
Invited, searching, stranded.

Cute as they are,
Aiming to become "the chosen one".

Every week a new one,
Introduced to you.

Give your Vote,
For your favourite.

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♥ Your Vote ♥
You can cast your votes in various ways and help your chosen one to rise, increase her influence on Qtasis and be featured again. There are three options, with 3- having the greatest influence.

Redbubble Like
Website views

2-Super Vote: 
Individual message under bottle post with Google account or
individual comment on Redbubble below the QT.

3-Super Dupa Vote: 
Donate on the site or purchase Qtasis products on Redbubble.

This vote also gives you the opportunity to express a wish. You can write this in the message field during payment processing.
Wishes could be, for example: an experience a QT should have, a question about her, poses, clothing or even the description of a new QT you have dreamt about.
Please note, wishes can, but do not have to, come true! If you would like to receive notification of fulfillment or necessary changes, please include an email address or social media profile.

♥ Bottle post ♥
Suggestions, wishes, or a message for the chosen one?
Leave us a letter in a bottle here.

♥ Qtdex ♥
Here is a list of the QTs by name and number in descending order of release and links to each platform.

♥ Redbubble Shop ♥
Here the QTs are available on all sorts of products such as mugs, bags, hats, caps, clothing, covers, wall art and even for cuddling in bed. 

♥ Donate 
You can support Qtasis and cast the 3-Supa Dupa Vote here: Link

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♥ FAQ ♥

What inspired this?
Qtasis is inspired by idols, girl groups, influencers, casting shows, magical girl series, photography, nude drawing and pin-up art.

What does Qtasis mean?
With all the names like HyVenus, Museup, Queach, Baygirl, Byusis and many others that were already taken, the process of finding a name resulted in a mashup of different things like: Qt, cutie, oasis, cute as is, queen, tiara, sis(ter), jes(u<>i)s, ecstasis... and there are certainly other puns and possible interpretations.

Is this for children?
The content and fate of Qtasis depend heavily on who receives the most votes. We would be grateful for feedback and comments or participation in surveys.

Do I have to pay to join?
Free participation is possible via letters in a bottle, comments in the guest book, as well as likes and comments on Redbubble.

Should I donate?
Returning visitors are recommended to contribute at least 1€ per month, 12€ per year. In comparison, an afternoon in a museum exhibition usually costs between 8 and 24€. This helps Qtasis to remain independent, continue to exist and shows your appreciation.

Where do most vote?
Most of the votes are currently given via Redbubble Likes.

Is this pornography?
No, slightly erotic, explicitly sexually pornographic content is not planned so far. Maybe an artistic nude picture at most.

Can I use the images?
Any (commercial) use requires explicit written permission. Private individuals are recommended to link to the posts if they are interested.

Is that me?
All people, creatures and events on this site are fictitious, any similarity to real ones is purely coincidental and not intentional.